That moment.... when it feels worth it

I had one of those moments today, when it felt like the hard work and fighting the good fight become worth it..... when discussing PL one of my colleagues complained about learning how to use a digital tool and asked when we would get on with the pedagogical discussion - how to use the tool effectively improve outcomes for learners.

Some background.....
Late 2012 a group of us 'early adopters' formed a group that would research and drive PL for our school.  We had recently become BYOD and had a fabulous wireless network to back it up.  Uptake was slow, students weren't bringing devices, teachers weren't expanding learning opportunities.  We called ourselves BLING (Blended Learning INquiry Group).  We met, we talked, we hashed out a plan.

In 2013 the academic goal for teachers was to explore and implement blended learning techniques.  Blended learning, for us, was about giving students access to as many effective learning opportunities as possible. Our senior leadership team recognised the need for time and supported PL to educate and enable teachers to be able to achieve this.
Time: Wednesday was compressed, students finish classes at 2:30pm, 2:45pm - 4:00pm was set aside for formal or discretionary PL.  School singing practice, held each Tuesday for 35 minutes was initially staffed by SLT (and then on a rotation basis) so that teachers could follow-up on Wednesday session from the previous week.
Supported PL: our aim was to develop blended learning best practice, to build confident, competent users of digital tools and to encourage teachers to reflect on how they can make effective use of technology and blend it with excellent pedagogy in the classroom, to develop empowered, effective facilitators of learning.  Each of us in the BLING group offered a blended learning module, of approximately 6 sessions in duration. Teachers self-selected the modules and completed one each term. The sense of agency teachers got from selecting their modules resulted in greater buy-in from teachers, and had them more engaged (.... and we aren't doing this for students..... why?)

To support this blended learning focus, each learning area nominated a BLDR (Blended Learning Department Rep) who role was to facilitate good pedagogical discussions at each department meeting - rather than focus entirely on administration.

Feedback from teachers was positive throughout the year, and on reflection they wanted to continue on the same track in 2014, with more needs based, and department focused PL.  Our goal for 2014 became to implement and embed blended learning techniques.  This is been slightly de-railed by gaining GAFE accreditation.  Term 1 PL has focused totally on how to use Google apps, with teachers learning in 'ability' groups learning the technical aspects of the software.  It's not the best way to do it, but the range of skills went from can't open a second tab in Chrome to already using Sites for student portfolios.  

Which brings me full circle to that brilliant moment today - when a colleague complained about PL not being focused on pedagogy.


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