When real is too real for some

In April blogged my excitement at relinquishing control of learning, of giving them some agency, and some choice.  http://learningonpurpose.blogspot.co.nz/2014/04/making-it-real-relinquishing-control.html

I can't remember the last time I had students so engaged and so invested in their learning.  Unfortunately, they were not being assessed on commitment, investment and effort.  Had they been, it would have been Achieved with Excellence for all.  Such is the beast, they were being assessed against a standard. Some did not meet the standard to the level at which they expected.  I also can't remember that last time I had this emotional a response to results.  I can't help wondering if the intense response was influenced by the degree to which they invested themselves into the project.

In an effort to give some perspective, we discussed what they learned that was outside the standard.  What skills and competencies did they gain working for 10 weeks on an independent investigative project.  Learning from my experience of meltdowns in class, a colleague led her lesson with this, before returning grades.  Students were asked to reflect on 3 things that the learned through the process, even if it was as simple as "I don't want to be a research scientist".  Hindsight is 20:20, if only I could go back.  We also discussed the 'meaning' of these grades, in the greater scheme.  Whilst we should always give of our best, what ill these grades mean in 6 months, 12 months time, as long as they will get us to where we need to get next.

The other thing that worries about this assessment is how it does not completely reflect real life in science.  It is the closest we get, but in a PhD dissertation, students receive feedback on, and reflect on, their papers before final submission.  My students had one shot at hitting the mark, and if they didn't, well..... Does this make a case for portfolio assessment?

Lastly, as I reflect on my students' resilience, I notice a post from another colleague who touches on the subject far more elegantly than me, so I will leave to her http://techieangel.blogspot.co.nz/2014/06/how-do-we-nurture-resilience-in-our.html


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